Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Valentine on a Dime - DIY Gardening Tool Kit

I'm terrible at gift-giving, especially for Valentine's Day. I can't stand to shop.  I get overwhelmed in large department stores and usually leave emtpy-handed.  And, when I "attempt" to buy online I ALWAYS say "well, I just know I'll find that cheaper in the store" and never pay for my entire cart.

So this year, I got the idea from my husband mentioning several times he wanted a garden.  As a kid I worked in a garden, but it was truly work – not the kind of "I'm going to the gym to sweat" work my husband is used to.  But, for the sake of fresh vegetables, I'm all in.

This year I wanted to do something that my husband really NEEDED, but something that would be unique for both of us to do together.

DIY Gardening Tool Kit

Supplies you'll need:

•  Plastic container with a handle (approximately $2.00 in the Clearance section at Walmart)
•  Seed starter container - Any Size ($5 - $10.00)
•  Packets of seeds of your choice (read the labels for growing seasons and directions)
    * I purchased all types of peppers, squash, cucumbers and green beans.  These are 
      easier to grow for beginning gardeners.
•  Labels for organizing seeds (these are found in the garden section, or make your own!)
•  Gardening tools - Fork/Hoe Combo and a Spade.
    * Go ahead and purchase the more expensive metal tools.  These will last the longest.
•  Miracle Gro™ Seed Starting Mix
•  Men's Black Work Gloves - You can get these in any auto/home improvement store
•  Shrink Wrap or Wrapping of Your Choice

First, draw with paint pens, sharpies or whatever you like you make your container extra special.
Next, fill your container with all the supplies you picked up.
Finally, wrap with shrink wrap and blow dryer so it clings to the contours of the container.
Add a bow, and YOU'RE DONE!

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